Executive Director Message

Sqn Ldr Stephy Paul

Executive Director ​


There is nothing dearer to the hearts of parents than their children Air Force School Chakeri Kanpur promotes that
the parents are the first educators of their children the school helps parents in this most precious task.
The school fasters an ambience of trust, love and respect for each person as the basics of sound education. The
highly qualified professional staff of the school works closely with parents to ensure that both home and school provide
the best environment for the growth of our child our effort is focused not only on pure study but also on providing
opportunity to each child with many activities both co-curricular and extra co-curricular to help the child become the best
person he or she can be.
We strongly believe in empowering our children in such a manner that they become representatives of a
meaningful and value based society.
We strive hard to create holistic development with a team a fabulous faculty members who display boundless
energy and intense commitment.
“Stay Focused on your Mission, Remain Stead Fast in your pursuit of excellence and always do the right Thing”
“My Best Wishes to All”