General information

General Instructions for all Students

Health and Sickness
  1. School has a sick room within its premises for  First Aid.

  2. In case of any accident or emergency during school hours, students are taken to Air Force Medical Inspection room. Parents are informed immediately.

  3. The School arranges a Medical Examination of all students during the course of each academic year.

  4. Medical Certificate is necessary in case of absence for more than three days due to sickness.

  5. Students affected by infectious diseases or exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the quarantine period before rejoining school. This should also be indicated on the Medical Certificate.

  1. Every student must carry his/her books as per time table and must carry School Diary every day.

  2. Lab Coat (White Apron) for students of Class XI onward is compulsory.

  3. All home assignment must be submitted regularly and on time and should be signed by the parents/guardian.

  4. All Class tests must be signed by the parents/guardian as having gone through the same.


  1. Irregular attendance, unjustified & unexplained absence, habitual late coming, disobedience or objectionable behavior of any kind may result in expulsion of a student from the School.

  2. Students are strictly forbidden from leaving the School premises during regular School hours. Permission to do so will be granted only by the Principal.

  3. Students are responsible to the School authorities for their conduct both in and outside the School.

  4. Misbehavior in public places and school buses will be dealt severely.

  5. Care should be taken to keep the School building and infrastructure neat and clean.

  6. Ink should not be sprinkled on the walls and floors. Waste paper and other litter should be put in the dustbins. Students must not write on walls.

  7. Mishap/Untoward incident/Breakage (if any) must be reported immediately to the Class Teacher.

  8. The School is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings. Students should not bring valuables and costly items like transistors, calculator, mobiles, other electronics gadgets and jewelry etc. to school.

  9. During the absence of a teacher from the Class, students must obey the monitor appointed to maintain good order. Running and shouting in the school premises is not allowed.

  10. When using staircase and corridors students must keep to the left.

  11. Students are strictly forbidden from purchasing eatables from unauthorized vendors/hawkers near the school premises.

  12. No monetary collection for any purpose may be made in the school without prior permission of the Principal.

Punctuality and Absence

  1. A student must reach School well in time for morning assembly.

  2. Leave of absence will not be granted on the first and the last day of the term.

  3. No leave of absence will be granted except for special reasons.

  4. An application for leave written by the parent/guardian should be sent to the Class Teacher in advance. In case of illness where the application cannot be sent in advance, the leave application should be submitted to the Class Teacher on the first day of rejoining the school. A column for this purpose has been provided in students’ diary.

Library Rules

  1. School has a well stocked library catering the needs of the teachers and students.

  2. Books card will be issued on loan to each student who wishes to borrow books. The book will be issued only after entry is made in the library card issued to the student. A Library Card is nontransferable, not to be lent or borrowed and is the property of School and must be returned if asked for.

  3. Books must be returned by the last date stamped on the Date Label (normally two weeks from the date of issue). Books not required for by other readers may be renewed at the Librarian’s discretion. The Library cannot undertake to issue books on long term loan. All books must be returned before the end of each term.

  4. Readers are responsible for all books issued in their names. Books lost, damaged or not returned when called for must be paid for. Fine will be charged for overdue books or for loss of Library Cards.

  5. Strict silence should be maintained in the Library.

  6. All students from Classes I to XII and permanent staff members are entitled to become members of the Library.

  7. Readers shall be responsible to compensate for the loss, the damage done to the books or other property belonging to the Library either by replacing such books with new ones or other damaged property or by paying the value thereof with 10% additional charges as departmental expenses. In case of damage / loss of a volume of a set, the whole set will have to be replaced.

  8.  Each student is entitled to take one book at a time for a period of 14 days, while staff members are entitled to take five books at a time and keep the same for 30 days. Maximum three renewals are permitted for one book.

  9. Dictionaries and other costly reference books would not be issued. However, periodical publications will be issued to staff members on weekly basis.

  10. All reference books, taken by the reader, for consultation in the Library should be returned to the Librarian before leaving.

  11.  If the Library Card is lost by a student, he/she should give an application report to the librarian citing the loss of the card. A duplicate membership card will be issued to the member on payment of Rs. 5/-

  12. School leaving / transfer certificates/ Board Class Admit cards shall not be given to students until they have returned all the books along with the Book / Library card and has paid the dues outstanding against their names after getting a clearance certificate from the Librarian.

Issue of books may be suspended at the time of stock-taking.

  • Bags, personal books and such other articles are not permitted to be brought inside the Library. These must be kept outside the Library.